African Women's Rights Observatory

The Beijing Platform for Action, an outcome of the 1995 Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women, recommended the creation of mechanisms to monitor gender equality and the advancement of women. Accordingly, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa’s African Centre for Gender and Social Development (ACGSD/UNECA) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme’s Regional Gender Programme for Africa (UNDP/RGPA) launched the African Women’s Rights Observatory. The African Women’s Rights Observatory (AWRO) aspires to be the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information about African women’s rights. Its objective is to create a knowledge base that will enable various stakeholders to monitor the progress in and challenges of advancing women’s rights in Africa. In particular, AWRO aims to monitor the implementation and enforcement of regional and international instruments, including but not limited to the African Women’s Protocol and CEDAW, as well as resolutions and declarations adopted by various regional and international bodies. AWRO retrieves, documents and keenly monitors progresses and constraints in the areas of legal reform, domestication of international laws, litigation involving women’s rights, availability or lack of women’s access to justice and measures taken towards promotion and protection of women’s rights at the national, sub-regional and regional levels.

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