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2 Weeks
Web Based E-Learning

Enhancing Africa’s trade performance: towards an effective implementation of AfCFTA - Digital Trade in the context of AfCFTA

Announcement in Brief

Type : Online Course
Programme Area : Trade and Development
Date : November 25th  – December 6th 2024
Duration : 2 Weeks
Language : Bilingual (French / English)
Location : Web Based E-Learning
Fee : Free
Application Deadline : 22th November,  2024
Specific target audience : No
Website :
Applications :

Programme Rationale 

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement represents the most ambitious project of economic integration in Africa since the creation of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and it is one of the pillars of the African Union Agenda 2063. Its main objective is to create a single continental market for goods and services, with free movement of people and investments, in order to promote intra-African trade, reduce dependence from foreign markets, improve competitiveness, support economic transformation and pave the way for the establishment of a customs union in Africa.

Even before the establishment of AfCFTA, African countries have entered into couples of preferential trade agreements/arrangements (PTAs) with little or no effects on their trade performance and hence poor development outcomes. Various factors accounted for this observed dismal performance of which effective  implementation is chief. If fully implemented, the AfCFTA would allow member States to make important progress towards industrialization and economic  development, to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while laying the conditions for the promotion of peace and stability in the Continent.


The course aims to build the capacity of national stakeholders who could benefit from the effective implementation of the AfCFTA including operators from private sector as well as government officials. In particular, the objective of this course is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of e-trade, covering its global foundations, key components, benefits, and future trends. It emphasizes Africa’s unique e-trade landscape, including challenges and growth opportunities, while highlighting essential regulatory frameworks, particularly the role of AfCFTA. Participants will also explore Africa-EU trade relations, examining trade barriers, opportunities, and the potential for strengthened partnerships in the digital economy. This course also provides a foundation for understanding the needed actions and strategies to take in place to develop the e-trade potential in Africa trough African Continental Free Trade Area. Finally, with a Case Study, it explores how Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) and Economic Partnerships influence the trade landscape between Africa and the EU, and what the future holds for this relationship.

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